Wedding Flowers Carnations. Order Carnations for Your Event Directly From Grower! Spray Carnations (Mini Carnations) - with lots of smaller flowers.

Our Fancy-grade carnations are the longest-lasting, hardiest fresh cut flower and will fill your DIY bouquet with vibrant color and long-lasting freshness.
See more ideas about Carnation colors, Carnations, Wedding flowers.
You can also use carnations as a unique boutonniere for all the groomsmen. Stunning, dark red carnations are the perfect flowers for a Valentine's Day party, wedding or other special occasions. Choosing your wedding flowers can be difficult, but learning what each bloom really means can make your decision a little easier. (For example, did you know that magnolia means "love of nature" and stephanotis signifies "marital happiness"?) During the Victorian era, The Language of Flowers created an ultra-romantic language for lovers' correspondence in which flowers replaced words.
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